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Marshall Comisar12-Aug-2008 00:41
Wow! Bob, your galleries are amazing! ...wow.
pharmerrob01-May-2008 03:15
bob, i enjoyed your pictures that were taken on cape horn road, bovina center...there are several you took of my aunts farm(the closeup of a barn, house and garage)...i was so surprised to see them online!!!!! You made my evening
Guest 16-Jan-2008 16:45
Great Gallery

My website :http://www.BirdMad.com

Norbert Fortelny25-Aug-2007 16:53
You have some great pictures.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:04
One of the best galleries on pbase thus far.
Greg Little13-Nov-2006 23:09

Very nice galleries. Browse through a couple and enjoyed them very much. Nice work.

Regards, Greg
Bob Tullis19-Sep-2006 21:35
Joy - I'll accept that. [grin] thanks very much.
Joy Prizio 15-Sep-2006 15:45
Bob - I am more impressed than I can say! I am not a photographer so I don't know the right vocabulary to use - but your photos are truly moving on a viceral level - the simple beauty of colors, lighting, subjects - and in all seasons! This is a collection to be proud of, and above all continue at it - you are enormously talented.
Harris22-Aug-2006 17:40
I really enjoyed your galleries. Your shots show good composition and technique.
Guest 15-Aug-2006 12:32
I like your galleries Bob. I realy like what you did with this one:


I ended up here following a thread on DPReview. I hope to visit NYC some day soon.


Gatineau, PQ, Canada
Bob Tullis13-Aug-2006 16:25
Wayne - thanks a lot. Look for an email response.
Guest 31-Jul-2006 01:26
I love your sunsets.If you feel you are in a slump I'm sure it won't last for long from what I've seen. Growth takes place when questioning
Bob Tullis07-Jun-2006 11:48
Diana - I'm just a weekender, this being the 3rd spring for us. But you're right, it is quite the serene place to be. Well, now there's a big issue going on regarding Wind Towers, but that's another story. Getting out of NYC for weekends and more up there is a very theraputic thing (more so than I ever imagined).
And you're right, the earlier stuff is better than the recent (another story). But regardless, I'm glad you enjoyed them and appreciate the feedback.
I've been quite happy with Canon DSLRs - no 30D, but the two flanking models here are just a joy to work with.
Diana 07-Jun-2006 04:43
Bob, I enjoy many of your pictures, but the snow shots are my favorite. And so is the location. I just saw Bovina and almost fell out of my chair. How many people actually live in Bovina? It's one of the most beautiful and quaint corners of the earth. A friend of mine had a log cabin there for a year or so. I spent my first two years of undergraduate school in Delhi. I only wish I had a camera while living there. The area is ethereal. You are lucky. Keep up the good work. And enjoy that camera. Do you like it as much as I like my 30D? Be well, say hi to Delhi for me. Diana
Bob Tullis26-Apr-2006 11:59
What a provocative. . . challenge? Interest is piqued. . . who ARE you? What would you suggest in the way of something different? I have to admit, I don't feel frustrated as one can being in a rut, but I am in a rut of sorts.
Whether or not you return for feedback, thanks very much for the nudge.
Guest 25-Apr-2006 18:08
Nice pictures, but then everyone of them could be a copy of someone else's. I'd like to see something different...
Robert Temple14-Feb-2006 06:23
Nice work Bob, what's your secret?
Guest 20-Dec-2005 23:16
Wonderful work Bob..
Very impressive and I love the skill and techniques used-Very creative and simply a pleasure to look at..
great compositions and just amazing colors...
Bob Tullis15-Oct-2005 14:42
That made my day, Neil. Much appreciated.
Neil Paskin07-Oct-2005 06:03
Hi Bob, you have a fine collection of galleries, I enjoyed viewing them immensely.

Bob Tullis28-Sep-2005 03:44
Thanks for the kind words, Mike.
MikeR 27-Sep-2005 05:52
Quite astonishing stuff. The consistency of quality output regardless of camera/season/location/subject is proof of a high level of mastery. Content speaks for itself. I enjoyed these galleries.
Bob Tullis03-Sep-2005 13:07
My pleasure, Gregory.
Gregory Alexopoulos01-Sep-2005 20:04
Hello Bob
thank you very much for your time (histogram question).
Gregory Alexopoulos ,Athens Greece.
Bob Tullis05-Aug-2005 19:54
Thanks very much, Bob. That you enjoyed the galleries just puts more gas in my tank. ;)
Guest 04-Aug-2005 07:18
Bob you have some awesome galleries here. With over 180,00 page views I'm shocked that you have so few comments. Your photographs are top notch and I love looking at a great picture. I've bookmarked your galleries so I hope you keep snapping away and updating your galleries here at PBASE. You got a fan here.
Bob Tullis22-Jun-2005 14:38
Gideon - I'm awfully flattered, and at the same time inspired myself. In my weekly escapes from the city and humanity I like to (attempt to) capture both broad and intimate scenery that grabs the eye, to give a sense of what is out there that may be overlooked in passing. We all have our unique 'eye', and I'm humbled that mine has inspired yours. Thanks so much for taking the time to look and comment.
Gideon 19-Jun-2005 12:56
I stumble across your gallery here through a dpreview post, and I am impressed by the caliber of your work. I especially enjoy your winter landscape an cityscape photographs. I find I am usually bored by most landscapes as they are simply pretty shots of pretty things. However your work is many notches above such crude prettiness, it actually inspires me to try some landscape photography myself. I am usually loath to venture into this territory, but now I see what can be done I am tempted to try myself!
Excellent work, keep your eyes open.
